Restoring and Racing the YDS and TD Yamaha's

YDS1R - YDS2R - TD1A - TD1B - TD1C - TD2 - TD2B

"Help me preserve and keep the Yamaha's Racing"

E-Mail me if you have any obsolete spare parts or tuning information


Krober or Pitsch Ignition Parts


Stators, Rotors, Pick-Ups, Coils, CDI "Black" Boxes and Adaptor Plates.

Top - Donor or trigger coil or pulser coil with yellow wire
Bottom - Two piece rotor or reluctor

Krober CDI "black box"


Do you have any "odds and sodds" of Krober's or Pitsch ignitions laying unwanted and unsed in your shed?
I am willing to purchase them - whatever you have available!

Just email me

Two ignition dynos are available to test low and hi rpm ignition function

Krober low speed test bed

Krober high spreed test bed

Email me if you have any surplus Krober or Pitsch parts that you no longer need.

E-Mail for more information

"Help me preserve and keep the YDS and TD Yamaha's Racing"

View my Racing Yamaha's